Sunday, September 28, 2014

Graphic Tee Level Up: Secret Level

Here it is, the final entry for my Graphic Tee Level Up series.  And as promised, I’m taking this to a new level by combining what we've learned so far.  However, we aren't going to start with a basic geek outfit.  Oh no, instead of dressing up a graphic tee with other clothes, I’m going to ‘geek down’ (husband’s phrasing) what’s probably one of the most un-geeky outfits I own.

Hot pink dress and heels.  So how do we make a geek outfit out of this?

First, we take a graphic tee.  I’m using one that color coordinates.

Simply toss on over the dress.  You can get this same effect with a skirt, but I went this route to show that you don’t have to limit yourself to the obvious.  I would also wear this with Chucks if my outing involved more walking.  I’m more than happy to wear this outfit as is, but let’s go even farther with this.

I decided to go with dressing it for a cool day now that the weather is hinting at more fall like temperatures.  I grabbed my favorite jacket to throw on top, added some fishnets for a little coverage and interest, and a pair of boots to provide the warmth that fishnets can’t.  This outfit makes me feel girly, edgy, and geeky all at the same time.

So there you have it.  Go get your geek on, and have fun doing it.

Next time:  Guess who hit up a Con over the weekend?

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Graphic Tee Level Up: Level Progression

Welcome back!  So now that we’ve got the idea of using layers down, it’s time to talk about other ways that we can level up our outfits.  Let’s bring back a leveled up look from last time.

 So we’ve got more interest going on in the top part of our outfits, but the bottom…still jeans and sneakers.  Let’s equip something else.

Still wearing jeans, but by changing the color and cut, the tone of the outfit has changed.  It’s less casual than before, but not over the top.  The shoes on the other hand…what can I say?  I’m a girl.  Occasionally shoes happen.  Anyways, adding a pair of dressier shoes also makes the outfit more polished.  It’s a long way from the original outfit, isn’t it?

Let me stop and say that while layers are a great way to change up an outfit, they really aren’t required.  You can just take your basic outfit…

…and make a complete substitution.  Goodbye jeans, hello skirt!  Throw on some boots or heels, and now we’ve got a date look ready for a trip to the arcade, or dinner and a movie.

Now a skirt might not be the best option for the guys, but what else can be done to change up from jeans?

How about some color?  Coordinate, contrast, add a pattern like pinstripe.  This outfit has been a favorite of mine for a while, and was discovered accidentally while folding laundry.  And yes, I did say layers weren’t required, but let’s add one anyway.

Who wore the vest better?  Bob Ross or Storm Trooper Dance Troupe?  Regardless, it’s still as versatile as ever.

Do you see now how easy it is to give geek a little chic?  But I’m not done yet.  Next time, I unlock a secret level by combo-ing these methods with a twist.

All logos, characters, titles, etc belong to their respective companies and owners

Graphic Tee Level Up: Tutorial Part 2

All right, time for the second part of the basic layering method.  This round, the layers are going on top of the graphic tee.  There are so many options for this.  Pretty much if you can wear it on top of a shirt, it will step up your basic graphic tee outfit.  Does that mean I’m not going to bother with examples?  Of course not!

Once again, I've got my basic gear on.  It’s an outfit I've worn as is many times, minus the knives. (WARNING:  knives are not suitable accessories for most real world tasks!  This writer does NOT recommend adding them to your outfit!)

However, I've got to say that this version is probably going to be one of my new favorites.  This cropped top hasn't been worn much.  I got it for a specific outfit and event, but have largely ignored it since.  As you see however, it’s a great completer piece and really gives this outfit a more interesting, and slightly more feminine vibe.

For my next look, I'd like to bring in a special guest!

Now make no mistake, the fantastic Bob Ross needs no enhancing.  That being said, I am writing about leveling up outfits, so here we go.

A basic black vest offers much in the way of versatility.  It’s a nice way to add interest without adding bulk, which is especially desirable if you live someplace hot.  Not that you’re thinking about clothes anymore.  No, I know ‘happy trees’ is running through your brain at the moment…

Good now?  Then let’s continue!

So what should I add this time?  Well if you’re not one to use more decorative clothing items, and it’s too hot for something like a jacket, then this next example is probably going to be your go to for dressing up a graphic tee.

Button down shirts are an excellent friend to graphic tees.  This is my husband’s favorite method.  Left unbuttoned, you've given your graphic tee a boost.  Need to look a little more professional or dressed up on the fly?  Button up and go!  My husband loves doing this if he’s going out before or after work and doesn't want to have to change.

So I think that you've seen a pretty good summary on layers.  Next time, we’ll talk about substitutions that can be made instead of or alongside layering.  Come back soon!

All logos, characters, titles, etc belong to their respective companies and owners. 

Graphic Tee Level Up: Tutorial Part 1

Alright!  Let’s get started on the graphic tee level up!

So as I mentioned, I will be teaching techniques for sprucing up your basic geek outfit.  The most basic technique to use to level up your t-shirt look is using layers.  This method is simple yet allows for a wide range of variety.

Let’s start with the basic outfit.  Jeans, tee, and sneakers.  This accounted for a large percentage of my outfits as a teen.  It’s still my preferred outfit when I’m running errands and the like, but sometimes I like to change things up…

I threw a long sleeve t-shirt underneath, which is admittedly best for cool weather, but we’ll talk more about that in a bit.  While you can also use neutral or contrasting colors, I chose to coordinate. 

Now, this shirt is rather big given that I stole it from my husband’s drawer, so I went old school and tied a knot in the side.

My shirt is now not only more fitted, but allows for more of the under layer to be seen.  As you can see, it doesn't take much to give an outfit a different feel.  Can it be taken further?  Oh yes, but have patience, Padawan.

So as I mentioned, long sleeves might be a little on the warm side for some of us at the moment.  Whether it’s sleeveless, short sleeved, or long sleeved, the most important part is that the under layer can be exposed.  Get a shirt that is longer on you than the graphic tee, and you’ll have exposure from the bottom.  Cuff the sleeves of the graphic tee to better expose a short sleeved shirt.

Are there other options?  Sure there are!  Let’s take another basic outfit…

…and add a collared shirt underneath to add some polish.  My recommendation would be to make sure that you either have a slim fit woven underneath, or that your graphic tee has a little extra room.  Otherwise, I find this look to be a little binding.  This outfit was actually done with a sleeveless shirt, which helped in the shoulders especially.

Even going as basic as I could, there is still a noticeable difference between basic outfit and leveled up outfit.

Next lesson, layers over.  Still simple, but with even more variety to choose from…

All logos, characters, titles, etc belong to their respective companies and owners.  

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Graphic Tees, Iconic Geek

Hello again!

So, in my first post I mentioned that I felt the clear choice for a fashion item representing the geek culture should be graphic tees.  Here are a few reasons why.

-They proclaim your specific interests
-Even within a specific interest, the variety to choose from is astounding. 
-They can be personalized or even self made.
-They allow for an easy conversation starter.

If I see someone wearing glasses, I don’t think ‘geek’.  Actually, glasses don’t really say anything to me.  Maybe ‘I need these to see what I’m doing.’ A graphic tee, on the other hand, is very representative for the person. 

Just recently I surreptitiously watched someone walk by, only to then turn to my husband and whisper-squeal ‘that guy was wearing a Johnny the Homicidal Maniac Tee!’  It not only spoke of that person’s interest, it sparked my own excitement at seeing a fellow JTHM reader.  See the difference between that and the glasses reaction?

And so I conclude that graphic tee’s rock.  My only problem?  Most graphic tee outfits I see are pretty much jeans and a tee shirt.  Don’t get me wrong, up through college that was my primary wardrobe.  It’s just that as I got older, and different life events came along, I felt like I wanted to look more polished, sophisticated, adult…that sort of thing.

Eventually though, I realized I could be true to my inner geek and still wear a more interesting look than a simple jeans and tee combo.

I’m calling this mini series the graphic tee level up.  I went in my own closet, and not only dusted off a couple of my favorite looks, but mixed and matched to make some more that I can’t wait to wear out and about. 

Mind you, these looks aren't about the specifics of the outfit.  My goal is to give examples of techniques to use to achieve a similar look using your own wardrobe.

Ready to level up your look?  Come back soon!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Start New Game...

Welcome, newcomer!  My name is Jess, and this is my little kingdom of nerdy geekiness.

I’m not sure what this blog will end up being, if it will one day morph into another creature, or simply cease to be, but currently it will be a celebration of the fan-girl part of my nature.

Now, I feel the need to admit that this blog is originating from a very specific event.  It will shape it some initially, but hopefully not limit it.  I’m wide spread in my interests, and like to try new things, so I don’t want to box myself in.  No one likes to be pigeon holed after all.  Which brings me to my point…

Recently I was on Pinterest, gawking away at the Geek category, and thought I’d narrow my search some.  I’m going to a convention soon, and thought I’d look at some geek fashion for a back up in case my costume didn't pan out.  I was offered ‘geek chic’ as a suggestion, so I clicked it.  Did my search disappoint?

Actually, it did.

What I found was not cool outfits of graphic tee’s and character inspired casual outfits, but a specific accessory over and over.

Glasses.  Thick rimmed, black framed glasses. 

‘Geek chic’ seems to be the addition of glasses to an outfit that would otherwise have nothing to do with the Geek realm.  I felt a little insulted that our wide spanning culture of enthusiasm had been simplified by others to this one accessory.

I mean, clearly if you’re going to pick one item to represent us geeks and nerds, it should be the graphic tee.

And so, I decided that if there was a lack of what I wanted to find, I’d take the time to add to it.  After all, one of the defining qualities of us Geeks and Nerds is our enthusiasm for what we love.

Stay tuned my fellow enthusiasts!  There should be some fun times ahead!