Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Start New Game...

Welcome, newcomer!  My name is Jess, and this is my little kingdom of nerdy geekiness.

I’m not sure what this blog will end up being, if it will one day morph into another creature, or simply cease to be, but currently it will be a celebration of the fan-girl part of my nature.

Now, I feel the need to admit that this blog is originating from a very specific event.  It will shape it some initially, but hopefully not limit it.  I’m wide spread in my interests, and like to try new things, so I don’t want to box myself in.  No one likes to be pigeon holed after all.  Which brings me to my point…

Recently I was on Pinterest, gawking away at the Geek category, and thought I’d narrow my search some.  I’m going to a convention soon, and thought I’d look at some geek fashion for a back up in case my costume didn't pan out.  I was offered ‘geek chic’ as a suggestion, so I clicked it.  Did my search disappoint?

Actually, it did.

What I found was not cool outfits of graphic tee’s and character inspired casual outfits, but a specific accessory over and over.

Glasses.  Thick rimmed, black framed glasses. 

‘Geek chic’ seems to be the addition of glasses to an outfit that would otherwise have nothing to do with the Geek realm.  I felt a little insulted that our wide spanning culture of enthusiasm had been simplified by others to this one accessory.

I mean, clearly if you’re going to pick one item to represent us geeks and nerds, it should be the graphic tee.

And so, I decided that if there was a lack of what I wanted to find, I’d take the time to add to it.  After all, one of the defining qualities of us Geeks and Nerds is our enthusiasm for what we love.

Stay tuned my fellow enthusiasts!  There should be some fun times ahead!

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