Sunday, October 26, 2014

Naps and Novels

This last week was ridiculously exhausting.  The last entry existed because I had the foresight to write it ahead of time.  Today, however, I have merely this fill in for you.

This weekend was spent attempting to recover from the week.  In retail, the holiday set up is a huge event, and being the leader of its execution this year, I found myself ready to drop before my week had actually ended.  What time was not spent in a prone position was largely spent cleaning in the anticipation of guests.  So unfortunately, I don’t have anything geeky today.

However, in an effort to flex my writing muscles, I did find a list of short story ideas on Pinterest.  I took a little time to write the first one.  It isn't quite long enough to be considered a story, but I like how it turned out.  I think I will post these mini scenes to a different blog as they are written.

Speaking of writing, National Novel Writing Month is quickly approaching, and to kick start my book, I think I want to try the challenge.  I don’t know that I’ll be quite as devoted as I’d like to be, but I think it’ll help me get into gear.  With this in mind, I’ll probably only geek out once a week in order to not get too sidetracked from my writing goals.

Anyways, despite all the holiday fuss that seems to be taking over everywhere, I’m stoked for Halloween.  I finally decided on a costume, plans have been made, and I am determined to not open this second bag of candy until the end of the week.

Wish me luck on that one!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Geek Kicks: Keep Chucks Looking Good

I don’t know about anyone else, but I have a solid mental connection between Chucks the footwear, and Chuck the TV show.  I find both to be awesome, by the way.  *Spoiler*  Awesome or not, I’m still mad about the ending of the final season.  Is anyone else ready for them to make another season or maybe a movie?  I wanted to SEE the happy ending for them, not infer or imagine it…


Now, I don’t know how much this post is about the ‘geek life’, but many of my geek friends are big fans of Chucks.  My husband would probably own a pair of Converse in every color if budget allowed.  I like to kick about in them myself.

It seems to me that the state of Chucks seems to be a split issue.  A good number of my friends rush out to get that ‘worn patina’ as soon as possible.  Me?  I hate dirty looking shoes in general, and dirty Chucks, what with all that white rubber, are no exception.

For those of you in the ‘keep ‘em new looking’ camp with me, you probably know that getting off the grime is not always easy.  You also know that cleaners that may affect the canvas and dye are also out.  I stumbled upon my favorite method when I was reluctant to use my last dish cleaning sponge on dirty shoes.  Instead, I grabbed one of my Mr. Clean Magic Erasers.

The results were amazing.  While not quite brand new looking, you wouldn’t have guessed that he had probably at one point scuffed about in a gravel lot trying to get them dirty.  I was thrilled.  My husband was just shy of horrified.

I warn my husband in advance now.  It gives him a chance to either mentally prepare, or hide them.  Actually, he still hasn’t tried that yet, which I take as cleaning consent.  The state of his Chucks probably wouldn’t bother me as much if he didn’t try to wear them out on our nicer dates…

Anyways, since it’s time for another cleaning, I thought I’d share the results with you.

Here they are before being cleaned…

And here are some comparison shots.

I simply wet the eraser with water and give it a bit of a scrub.  Presto, just like it claims, the marks are erased and the shoes are given a fresh start.

You could probably even get them a little cleaner if you put a little extra elbow grease into it.  My job has reduced my arms to noodly soreness though, so I stopped here.  I'd say I used up a little over half of my eraser, which is pretty good considering these had gotten pretty dirty this time around.

Until next time, all!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Bookworm: Odd Thomas

Books are magical.  It never ceases to amaze me how the written story of someone who does not exist can reach your heart more surely than the lifeless delivery of real news from the TV. 

I hadn't been reading much lately.  I had started a series that I’d been meaning to read for a long time and…well, I felt pretty disappointed about it.  So it got set aside, and instead of picking something else to read, I simply grabbed an old favorite to occupy me on my lunch breaks.

Then, as I previously mentioned, I started Dean Koontz’s Odd Thomas.  I restricted my reading to my breaks, not feeling a need to rush given that I knew the plot from watching the movie.  But it was a long week this week, so upon getting home Friday, I got cozy on the couch with a cup of tea and my book.

For a quick summary, Odd Thomas is about a young man who has special gifts.  He sees the dead, and is compelled to help them.  When an stranger comes to his work accompanied by malevolent beings, Odd finds himself drawn to find out what about this man would attract such darkness.  With the aid of his gifts, he ends up trying to unravel a potential disaster before time runs out.

Back to what I was saying.  Left to my own devices, I will submerse myself so thoroughly into a book I lose track of time, place, and even hunger status.  And so, I finally finished Odd Thomas.  While it had taken me a ridiculously long time to read the first half of the book, the second half went by in a blur of pages and time.

Despite knowing what would transpire, I felt the anxiety of what was to come, the fringes of horror of imagery and events, and got choked up once again at the ending. 

Now let’s get something straight.  I. Do. Not. Do. Sad. Endings.  If I find that I have accidentally found myself in such a predicament, I will immediately follow up with the perkiest (movie, story, etc) possible.  But Dean Koontz manages to leave you with hope despite it all, and so I still felt peaceably about the conclusion.

I know many people who are very fond of Dean Koontz’s work, but this is actually only the second of his books I've read.  The first, years ago, was Watchers.  It was a little dark, intense, and with just enough horror that I felt pretty sure my scaredy cat self should not be reading it.  And yet I couldn't return it to my friend unfinished. 

But while I enjoyed it, I didn't ready any more of his works.  Like I said, I was…and mostly still am, uncomfortable with horror.  I didn't want to risk another reason to be scared of the dark.  It wasn't until my brother started reading some of his work after I started college that he even became a blip on my radar again.

Now I think I’ll be reading his books with more interest.  I've already breezed through Forever Odd, and Brother Odd tempts me from the couch as I write this.  Koontz knows how to write with the perfect level of detail, and keeps an excellent balance of humor and intensity.  I highly recommend this particular series to anyone who enjoys stories of the supernatural suspense variety.

Now as I mentioned, the pages call.  Until next time!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Keys and Cogs

I got my creative juices flowing the past few days, and I’m pretty happy with the results.  As I mentioned last time, I had gotten some old fashioned keys and wanted to spruce them up.  I’ve seen quite a few different key necklaces on Pinterest, and have really wanted to try my hand at making one myself.  After digging through my supplies, I gathered up some items and gave it a go.

The trial run resulted in pretty good results.

I have a multitude of different components.  Keeping my husband in mind, I kept it on the simpler side, using steampunk influence in my choices.

I decided to keep the momentum going and make on for myself.  Having already had the chance to experiment, I thought I’d document the creation process.

I started out by picking out supplies.  I went with a more lacy, girly look for mine.

The first part I worked on was the main focal point.  I used some wired to affix a bead onto the filigree…

…which also served to attach the piece to the key.  I wrapped the excess wire around, adding a few beads to one of the loops.

I then created a charm from a looped pin and some beads, and finished it with a curl.

To decorate the length of the key, I curled another piece of wire and began wrapping it around.

Adding a couple of beads and the charm, I continued wrapping the wire, ending with a tighter wrap at the top.  I pinched the wire in place with the pliers as needed. 

This was pretty much the same process as I used on the first one.  I really love how they came out, and plan on making a few more.  I’ll definitely be adding one to my outfit next time a break out my steampunk gear.

That’s all for this time guys.  Keep tuned for more!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Geek Renewal

I know this blog doesn't have much so far, but it’s been about a month since my first post, and so far I've stuck with it.  This is much more than I can say about blogs I've attempted in the past.  Now, this post is something of a bullshit post simply because I’m still working on my current project (my job got the better of me this week, and naps ensued) but I told myself that I’d be consistent in my posts, and that’s what I’m going to do.

This blog has helped me to be obligated to myself.  Because I chose to dedicate it to the things I love, I've been making more time for hobbies that have been sorely neglected.  Thanks to this blog, Comic Con, and a much needed vacation, I've been experiencing something of a personal renaissance.

One of the things I've been up to is restarting the Naruto Shippuden anime and picking up on the manga again.  I can’t believe it’ll be coming to an end soon.  I have a feeling I’ll be a little mopey and listless afterwards.  It tends to happen after I finish a story, and this is a story I've been following for a long time.  But I’m already making a list of things to watch after so that I can move my mind onto other things.

I've also dragged my big box o’ beads out of my storage closet.  I got some neat old fashioned keys while on my vacation which I plan on sprucing up for jewelry.  The project I mentioned previously involves me steampunking up one of those keys for my husband.

I've also gotten back into my reading habit…which I hope to use to my blogging advantage, but forgive me if I get lost between the pages while heading to the computer.  Currently I’m reading Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz.  I’d watched the movie with my Mom during a weekend visit, and thought it was pretty good, and when she said she had the books, they went straight into my bag.  So far…the book is better.  Which is usually the case, but I think if I had watched the movie after reading the book, I wouldn't have been disappointed.

Finally, and maybe obviously, I've also taken up writing again.  I have always done fairly well in my English classes, but I didn't discover the actual joys of writing until my junior year of high school.  I've written fan fiction, short stories, and various online ramblings, and now I’m finally going for the big one.  I want to write a book.  Even if it is never published, even if my eyes are the only ones to read it, I want to do it.

So that about sums up my personal activities.  It is nice to take up some old hobbies, I definitely recommend it to anyone who has lost touch with things they love. 

Well, I suppose that’s it, and since I have soup that needs tending, I’ll wrap up my ramble and see you next time.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Alamo City Comic Con Pt 2

It’s only been a week since Alamo City Comic Con and I’m already looking forward to my next convention.  It had been a couple years since my last opportunity to hit up a convention, and my goal is to not leave such a gap this time.

So aside from the chance to dress up and hang out with other geeks, what keeps me (and so many others) coming time and again?  Well, there are quite a few things actually…

Things to look at, things to buy, things to listen to, things to participate in.

The first thing we did was head for the stalls.  The merchandise and artist area took up a pretty impressive piece of real estate.  While most of the types wares tend to be the same convention to convention, and even stall to stall, the quantity and variety of stuff makes it nearly impossible to tire of looking.

So we looked.

And looked.

And looked some more.

We also entered a raffle.  We didn't win, but the statuettes they were giving away were still cool to look at.

And for the third convention in a row, we got our picture drawn.  It is now officially a convention tradition for us.  This is always my favorite souvenir we bring home.  Because each artist has their own style, each piece is unique and personalized for us.

When we were tired of walking, we hit up panels.  This year was something of a nostalgia year.  The guests we saw weren't necessarily involved in anything that we currently are into, but from older entertainment, namely from our childhood.

While this panel pre-dates us a bit, my husband is a big brat-pack fan, so of course we went to see Anthony Michael Hall and Ilan Mitchell Smith doing a Weird Science panel.  They answered audience questions, and talked about some of the things that went on behind the scenes.  And yes, the shower scene was one of their favorites.

The next panel we went to was a biggie.  Probably the fullest one we sat in on.  But of course, who doesn't like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?  The creator Kevin Eastman was joined by the four original animated series voices and the original live action movie April.  Between reminiscing and stories, they took audience questions, and thanked their fans heartily for their support.

We stuck to our seats after that to watch the last panel we attended, featuring the Power Rangers.  The original Red, Black, and Blue rangers appeared with the second yellow ranger.  There were two things I particularly enjoyed.  Austin St. John (Jason) told stories about being a teen star (he apparently lost a straw and fork at a restaurant to fans), and the four of them standing up to do their morph.

By the end of the day, I was very happy, quite exhausted, and excited to figure out our next convention.  I think it’ll be a bit before we get solid plans on that, but trust me, there’s going to be more conventions featured in the (hopefully) not too distant future.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Alamo City Comic Con Pt 1

This past weekend I had the pleasure of going to Alamo City Comic Con.  It’s the closest Comic Con we can conveniently get to, and it was made all the more affordable by the fact that our Saturday passes were given to us as an awesome anniversary gift from my in-laws.  It was only the second year for ACCC to take place, but it seemed to run pretty smoothly, and was of course a whole lotta fun!

So first things first.  Did I dress up?  Heck yes I did!

I kept it super simple and went as Death from Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series.  Simple as it was though, I felt bad ass.  I wasn't sure how recognized I’d be, it not being as mainstream compared to most of the other fandoms that were represented, but I was pleasantly surprised by all the “Nice Death”s and “Hey Death, can I get a picture”s I got.

The trickiest part of this costume was the hair.  I was not inclined to dye my hair black at this point in time, which of course meant a wig.

Here's the wig I bought, and how it turned out.  I know it’s not quite the wild tresses of the comic, but I was pretty happy with it given it was the first time for me to cut and style my own wig.

My husband humored me and also dressed up.  Kind of. 

Despite the 'lite' version of his cosplay, it made me happy that he liked my suggestion of going as Destruction.  While he doesn't mind dressing up, my husband really didn't want to do anything that involved shaving his beard.  So even though Destruction was definitely not known to many of the people who recognized me, it met our own geek needs.

Not only did I enjoy dressing up, I enjoyed seeing the costumes of my fellow geeks.

There was this power trio…and some random guy.

He heard my nostalgic squeal from much too far away…

I didn't come across any Storm Troopers, but this guy was lurking around.

Anyone else want to defeat evil and have s’mores?

Death met a Reaper.

Go go Power Ranger!

While this is just a small sample, there still weren't quite as many cosplayers as I thought there would be.  But there is no denying plenty of geeks came to celebrate their varying joys and fandoms.

It seemed like a pretty good turn out, and I'm sure it's only going to get bigger as this convention amasses more guests and publicity.  Big or little though, it was a ton of fun.

What did we have so much fun doing?  Next time I'll go into more detail about this years draws, and the goodies that were seen!