Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Geek Renewal

I know this blog doesn't have much so far, but it’s been about a month since my first post, and so far I've stuck with it.  This is much more than I can say about blogs I've attempted in the past.  Now, this post is something of a bullshit post simply because I’m still working on my current project (my job got the better of me this week, and naps ensued) but I told myself that I’d be consistent in my posts, and that’s what I’m going to do.

This blog has helped me to be obligated to myself.  Because I chose to dedicate it to the things I love, I've been making more time for hobbies that have been sorely neglected.  Thanks to this blog, Comic Con, and a much needed vacation, I've been experiencing something of a personal renaissance.

One of the things I've been up to is restarting the Naruto Shippuden anime and picking up on the manga again.  I can’t believe it’ll be coming to an end soon.  I have a feeling I’ll be a little mopey and listless afterwards.  It tends to happen after I finish a story, and this is a story I've been following for a long time.  But I’m already making a list of things to watch after so that I can move my mind onto other things.

I've also dragged my big box o’ beads out of my storage closet.  I got some neat old fashioned keys while on my vacation which I plan on sprucing up for jewelry.  The project I mentioned previously involves me steampunking up one of those keys for my husband.

I've also gotten back into my reading habit…which I hope to use to my blogging advantage, but forgive me if I get lost between the pages while heading to the computer.  Currently I’m reading Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz.  I’d watched the movie with my Mom during a weekend visit, and thought it was pretty good, and when she said she had the books, they went straight into my bag.  So far…the book is better.  Which is usually the case, but I think if I had watched the movie after reading the book, I wouldn't have been disappointed.

Finally, and maybe obviously, I've also taken up writing again.  I have always done fairly well in my English classes, but I didn't discover the actual joys of writing until my junior year of high school.  I've written fan fiction, short stories, and various online ramblings, and now I’m finally going for the big one.  I want to write a book.  Even if it is never published, even if my eyes are the only ones to read it, I want to do it.

So that about sums up my personal activities.  It is nice to take up some old hobbies, I definitely recommend it to anyone who has lost touch with things they love. 

Well, I suppose that’s it, and since I have soup that needs tending, I’ll wrap up my ramble and see you next time.

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