Sunday, November 9, 2014

Geeks' Day Out

Hello, hello!  It's been a great weekend in this geek's household.  My husband and I both had the weekend off this time around.  We stayed up a little later than usual, slept in much later than usual, and simply relaxed.

We've been watching Fairy Tail, and have finally just about caught up to where we were the last time we were watching it.  It had been a while, so we decided to start over.  I've also been working on my story.  I wrote about 1,400 words last night, and hope to write a little more later today.

But loafing around the house hasn't been the only thing I've done this weekend.  My husband and I went on a little date today.  We started out at the library, where I found myself split between great luck and bad luck.

The good luck?  I'm about to finish the fourth Odd Thomas book, Odd Hours, and was hoping to snag the next one.  There were only two of the Odd novels on the shelf, and they happened to be the two I needed.

The bad luck?  The library was working on some reorganization.  Definitely a necessary task, and I am glad to see any house of books working on its contents.  However, I must say I was disappointed when I went to my favorite spot to look for potential reads and saw this...

The spinner of Science Fiction/Fantasy books was being redone, and all of the books had been pulled.  Being my go to section, it did cut my visit a little short, but I had what I wanted in hand, so I count the stop an overall success.

The next part of our outing was a stop at Best Buy.  My husband had received a mystery coupon, so we went to find out its worth, and then pick out loot based on the value.  Sadly, I have nothing of excitement to put here.  It was the minimum five dollar coupon, and being in need of some canned air, that's what we got.

The final part of our date was dinner and a movie.  Our budget friendly version cost less than ten bucks.  I had been craving a slice of Costco pizza for something like a month.  For anyone who hasn't been, they have the super giant single slices (much like Sam's does).  We grabbed a couple slices and a soda, and filled up.  With my craving quieted, we headed to the dollar theater.

I know a lot of people who want to turn up their nose at dollar theaters, but the one near us is actually quite nice.  I'm not a huge movie goer, and usually reserve those outings for movies I'm super excited about.  Most others I wait for Red-box or Netflix to get.  However, my husband comes from a family that regularly went to the movies, and likes to indulge a little more often than I do.  For those occasions, we usually hit up the dollar theater.  We decided to go see Maleficent.  It had looked interesting, but I wasn't convinced I wanted to shell out the cash to see it in theater.  It was pretty good, and I would probably even watch it again, but I'm still glad I waited to see it on the cheap.

Now we're home again and settled in for an evening of more loafing.  And probably Mac n' Cheese. if you'll excuse me...

Hope everyone has a good week!

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