Sunday, August 30, 2015

Cosplay Creation! Demon Hunter Day 13

Alright!  The good news?  I had a pretty productive day.  The bad?  Not exactly the productive that I wanted.  But still, I got another good chunk of stuff done, so I suppose I can't complain too much.

The first thing I did was get started on priming.  I put down my tarp, which is just a two dollar shower liner I picked up at Walmart or something, and broke out my paint brush.  One layer had pretty good coverage, but I knew doing a second would be best.  This is where I got derailed.  

Reading the back of the can, I found that the amount of time recommended between coats was four hours.  Ouch.  I've learned from experience, though, that not waiting enough time can make it gummy, which only increases drying time in the end.  I waited the hour for it to be dry to the touch, gave the inside a coat, and worked on something else for the time being.

That something else was leg pieces.  I sat with some aluminum foil and a roll of duct tape to make the base structure.  I did this with my boots on and with the muscle contracted to it's largest point to make sure I'd have room to move.  Once both legs were all wrapped up, I was eager to get them off. 

I gave my husband a pair of scissors, and while he carefully cut down the back, I said a fervent prayer that I never break a limb.  Being wrapped up like that was hot!  Hopefully having them over pants will help as there will be a buffer between them and my skin.

By the time I finished wrapping, eating something, and taking a little snooze, it was time to paint the second coat.  You can see how much better it looks for it.  While it would be dry before bed, I have no plans on going outside and spray painting in the dark.  That will be for when I get home from work.  And then the real fun begins!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Cosplay Creation! Demon Hunter Day 12

As planned, I got a good night's sleep, drank some coffee, and got to work.  And I've got to say, I'm happy with both the progress and results.  Decorating is something I've loved doing for a long time, so it was easy to get into the groove of the creation process today.

I continued adding embellishment to the chest.  The nice thing about the paper clay is it provided a good sketching surface.  I was able to draw out ideas for line work right onto it.  If I didn't like it, I could erase and try something else.  Once I was happy with it, I cut the shapes out of craft foam, and glued them in place.

My goal was to fake a more layered look without actually layering pieces on top of each other.  I think between the edging and how I paint it, it should pull it off fairly well.

I should probably note the type of glue I used for this.  It's mosaic glue, and it glues pretty much anything to anything.  The tube I'm working with I actually bought over ten years ago for a project.  It has mostly just kicked around in my arts and crafts drawers, but every so often I have a project that needs it's special services.  I've used it on fabric, ceramics, felt, beads, feathers, glass, all sorts of things.  It's awesome.

Back to the project at hand!  I wanted to add some trim work to the shoulders.  For this I cut out narrow strips of foam, and glued them along the edge.  I used a couple of chip clips to hold the foam in place as I worked.  It was helpful to allow me to work longer areas without having to stop and hold for the glue to set. 

I also wanted some raised lines, but didn't want to have to deal with foam for it.  My solution was fabric paints.  This probably would have been best with the puffy type, but I didn't have any and wasn't inclined to run out and buy it.  This is another one of those items I've had just kicking around forever from some long ago project.  I'm kind of glad I never throw any of my art supplies out as I always seem to find a use for it eventually.  Anyways, I found that three layers gives it the amount of dimension I want.

These are the current results.  Tomorrow I plan on coating them with primer and beginning the painting process.  If it weren't for the fact that it just doesn't feel like a fit for demon hunter armor, I'd probably leave the color as is.  I think it's pretty cool.  But I think the paint scheme I have in mind should work out pretty well, and I'm excited to see it come to life.  Another good night's sleep, and I can get to work on it.  Until next time!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Cosplay Creation! Demon Hunter Day 9 Through 11

Alright, so I've been battling the general tiredness that's been plaguing me by reminding myself that the convention is fast approaching (two more weeks!).  I have this weekend for a major work period, and happily have a three day weekend next week, so I can get stuff wrapped up.  The last few days of work haven't been overly exciting, but progress is progress.

First of all, I got more of the paper mache clay applied, and did some sanding.  It dries so hard, it's a little tough to do, but I was able to knock off some of the roughness.  My pieces feel more durable, and have a smoother form.  After trying them on, I found they were still comfortably light.

The next thing I did was start working on bracers.  I decided to test out a technique I found involving heating craft foam and forming it into shape.  I took some heavier craft foam, cut it down into a rough shape, and super carefully heated it over one of my stove burners as I don't have a heat gun.  Seeing as you don't want to heat it hotter than is safe to touch, I simple draped it over my arm and held it in place. 

I'm still deciding how I feel about this technique and whether or not I'm going to stick with this.  It's a little scary to do, to be honest with you, so this is a try at your own risk.  While puzzling out what course of action I want to take, I moved onto the part I've been most excited to start.

Aesthetic work!  I want to add some additional dimension and clean up some of the lines and shapes.  Taking more craft foam, I've been cutting out pieces and gluing them on.  Once they are in place, I'll prime and paint.  Speaking of which...

I went to Home Depot fully prepared to drop about ten bucks just on one of those little tins of primer.  As I was walking into the area, I noticed a cart with some paint cans in it.  I almost walked right on by, until I saw the sign on it.  "Oops Paint.  Clearance."  Hellooooo...

I peeked into the cart, fully expecting to see nothing but really horrible colors.  To my surprise and joy, I saw a few smaller cans, one of which was in a fairly light color.  Bingo.  Perfect for my needs.  And the cost?  Two bucks?!  Sold!  I couldn't believe what a great deal I was getting.  I definitely recommend watching out for this if you simply need a paint to act as a base coat.

Well, that's all the progress I've got for now.  My plan is to get a good night's sleep, make a pot of coffee in the morning, and go full force.  Hopefully I'll have quite a few awesome things to post by weekend's end.  Later folks!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Cosplay Creation! Demon Hunter Day 8

Alright, it's been a few days since I did this round of work.  I've been having a rough time sleeping, and I guess it just caught up to me finally.  But here's what's been going on.

I had been anxiously waiting to try a paper mache technique I found while bopping around on Pinterest.  Paper mache clay.  There are slight variations floating around out there, but it's essentially toilet paper soaked in water, squeezed out, and mixed with glue and joint compound.  I made mine on the slightly thicker side.  

My goal was to cover up some of the shape imperfections that occurred in the the construction process.  Fill in some of the dips, round out where it might have been a little too flat, that sort of thing.  So using some sculpting tools I had from a ceramics class in college, I started spreading it onto my pieces.  

I'm not going to lie, it was a slightly tedious process.  In retrospect, I might have made it just a touch thinner for easier application, but the thicker consistency did make it easy to build up thickness where I needed it.  Where before it was looking a little polygonal in places, it started looking much more rounded and smooth. 

Now as far a surface goes, it does have some of that paper pulp in the texture, but boy did it dry hard!  It added quite a sense of sturdiness, but not too much additional weight.  I could have actually skipped a layer of two of the traditional paper mach and jumped straight to this, using just a slightly thicker layer.

I learn a little something more each phase of this project.  I'm already excited by the idea of integrating it all into the next costume I make.  But one cosplay at a time!  With fifteen working days left before the convention, I really need to get cracking after only doing this coating the last few days.  It'll be on to aesthetics soon, and then some sewing.  Now that I've gotten a little more sleep, I'm ready for the next phase!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Cosplay Creation! Demon Hunter Day 6 and 7

I'm combining day six with seven due to the fact that not much happened.  Pretty much I got home from work, then face planted for about four hours.  When I woke up, I finished applying paper mache to my boot covers, and that was it.

Once they dried, I popped them back on my boots, and tried them on.  Can't even tell they're there.  I'll just have to be careful when I add the details.  I plan on making them claw toed, so I'll need to make sure I have them raised enough to not clip the floor as I step.

Now for the next piece, things are getting really interesting.  Time to make the other shoulder!

Seeing as the aluminum foil worked amazingly for the shoes, I set about using it for this piece as well.  I kidnapped my husband and worked on his shoulder to get the base form.  I figured that since this piece is meant to be over sized anyways, the fact that his shoulders are much larger than mine would work to my advantage.  I was correct.  Once the foil was formed and duct taped, it was time to start adding interest.

Out came the foil once more.  I just sat and formed it bit by bit, held it up, worked it some more.  The square piece actually came off after I tried it on.  I like the way it looks, but it just wasn't melding with the rest.  That's why I'm always trying everything on periodically.  It would suck to find it wasn't working out after it was paper mache-ed into place.

Base underway, next it was time to create layering pieces.  Once again with foil and tape I created a medium sized one, and then a smaller one.

Paper mache application is still in progress, but just to give an idea of how it will come together I went ahead and stacked them.  This isn't the exact placement, but pretty close.  I can't wait to get to the point to get it completely assembled so I can try it on again.

I feel pretty good about today's work.  I think I should be able to apply paper clay tomorrow to smooth out the pieces I've made so far, then all that will be left for armor is leg and arm pieces.  I think the arm pieces will be quick and simple, but the legs I'm still working through logistics for.  After armor, it's sewing, and weapon.  Nineteen working days left, so I just need to maintain a steady pace!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Cosplay Creation! Demon Hunter Day 5

For yesterday's bout of work, I felt the need to change it up a bit.  So what to work on next?  Shoes.  If this was an early spring convention, I would probably go boot hunting amidst all those winter leftovers, looking for a score.  But with stores getting fresh shipments in for fall, I knew the best bet would be to modify something I already own.

However, I knew I didn't want to do anything permanent to any of my current footwear.  I've seen some different shoe covers in my research, so I opted for this route.  I pulled out one of my most trusty pair of boots and got to work. 

Hello aluminum foil.  I formed it around my boots, first to protect them, second, to give the covers something to help them really hold their shape.  Since progressing in my experience levels while working on this project, I've got to say that the aluminum foil base would have been handy in the previous pieces, but that's okay.  I know now, and can always use it in future pieces.

I covered most of the foil in duct tape, then carefully cut through the side.  I will be attaching a buckle later, along with an under strap to keep them in place.  I trimmed up the shape, then reattached it using a piece of masking tape.

Finally, a couple layers of paper mache on the outside.  I very carefully applied it so as not to get it all over my boots.  I somehow succeeded, so yay on that.  They have since dried, and I found that they held their shape really well after removal.  Now I've just got to decide how I want to attach the claws on them, and they'll be more or less ready to move on to the next step.

That's all this time, but now that the weekend is officially here, I'm hoping to make some really good headway.  Wish me luck!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Cosplay Creation! Demon Hunter Day 4

Before I talk about the most recent day's progress, I have just got to say how much fun this is.  It's been a long time since I had a project that I was so excited to sit down and work on.  I think that's an important part of any sort of creative undertaking.  It should give you a rush.  Sure, sometimes you might have to work through problems that crop up as you go, but I think if the overall sentiment isn't joy, you aren't working on the right project.

Anyway, I've made quite a bit of progress on the smaller shoulder piece.  I have yet to start the larger, more decorative one.  This is partly due to needing more duct tape, and partly due to the fact that I was still settling on a design.  Also, it's been nice doing a 'test run' with the smaller side.

A few layers of paper mache...

And some clips to attach it to the harness and chest piece.  I've had a chance to try it out, and it sits pretty nicely.  Should be even better once I add the interior pads.

I also started the lower part of the pauldron that will sit underneath the main piece.

Not a whole lot to display this run.  I was pretty tired after work, so my snooze ate into my crafting time a bit.  Still, all in all it's coming along at a nice pace.  And with the weekend nearly here, I expect to get another large chunk of construction done.  With any luck, I'll have the bases to all the pieces somewhere between formed and completed by next weekend so I can move onto decorating.  Twenty-one days left.  A good bit of time, but still a good bit of work to do!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cosplay Creation! Demon Hunter Day 3

It's been a couple days since my last bout of work, so I figured while waiting for more paper mache to dry (to be featured in the next post), I'd get my progress up on here.

I slipped on a slightly too big t-shirt and stuck some padding inside the shoulder to use as the base of the first shoulder piece.  With the help of my husband, we put down a layer of masking tape, followed by a layer of duct tape.  I carefully slipped the shirt off, and thanks to the not so stickiness of the masking tape, was able to carefully pull the shirt out from the form.

I trimmed the shape down a bit, then used aluminum foil to add some addition detail to the form.  Aluminum foil is a pretty great material to add additional volume and shape as it's light and can hold its form.  Then I realized I needed to stop work on the shoulder and work on a more logistical issue.  I couldn't place the holding clips on the shoulders until I knew exactly how and where they would need to be.

Time to make the harness.  I had some extra heavy duty felt lying around from an old project.  I sketched out a shape on some paper, transferred it onto the felt, and cut it out.  Next, I fished some more key chain rings out of my bead box, and stitched them onto each 'corner'.  I included a small square of felt behind each one I stitched for additional re-enforcement.  I attached some bias tape for straps, then tested it out.

I tied it to the rings I added to the chest piece, and was not disappointed with the results.  It held it in place perfectly.  It also felt pretty comfortable, always a plus for costumes.

Bigger plus?  It looked pretty kick ass in the back.  I plan on adding some decorative work to it so that it can be worn as is, or I can attach a back plate, or possibly a quiver.  I like the flexibility this piece will be able to offer as far as being able to interchange pieces goes.

Alright, back to crafting.  Until next time!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Cosplay Creation! Demon Hunter Day 2

Hooray costume making!  I am so excited.  It's been a while since I had a really cool project to work on.  Today I went browsing at the Dollar Tree and Micheal's.  I didn't buy anything other than glue, but just browsing through the aisles got the gears in my head turning.  Turns out the Dollar Tree has different types of floral foam.  I'm tucking that away for possible use down the road.

So I got a rough shape trimmed down for my chest piece.  I also added rings for the straps.  I figured I wanted them integrated into the structure since they are going to be holding not just the chest and possibly back piece, but also the shoulders.

Paper mache time!  The duct tape was great for creating the general form, but I do want this to be a rigid piece.  I figured the cheapest, easiest way to get this was paper mache.  I mixed up some glue, and got to work.  I kept the pieces on the shorter, and mostly thinner, side.  It makes it easier to form it around the curves.  I just took my time working, trying to keep it as smooth as possible to minimize work down the road.  

First layer!  But see that bowl on the left?  I never fail to make either way less, or way more glue than needed...

First layer complete!  I have it resting on a small inverted bowl to give it support as it dries.  I'm hoping that the shape doesn't get distorted.  I think it'll be alright.  If not, at least I've only got maybe a dollar's worth of materials invested in this so far.  

So now I just have to sit and wait for it to dry a bit, then I'll add another layer and decide where to go from there.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Cosplay Creation! Demon Hunter Day 1

Convention time is about a month away, and I am ready!  Well, mentally I am.  But costume wise, I've just started.  For one day, I'll be re-using my Death cosplay from last year.  It was fun and easy, and it gives me a freebie costume for one day.  

For a second day though, I plan on doing something more elaborate.  After much agonizing and debating, I decided to go with the Demon Hunter from Blizzard's Diablo III.  I don't plan on doing a specific set, more of a rendition based on both official and fan art.

Mostly, this is a learning opportunity.  I've made costumes before, but armor is new to me.  This will be on a budget.  Eventually I want to break into some of the specialty materials I've been seeing around, but that will have to wait.  So for this creation, it'll be about stuff I've got around the house and things that can be found thrifting.

Last night I started on the chest piece.  I actually used taping methods I've seen for everything from corset making to dressmaking form creation.  I slapped some plastic wrap on myself, used some masking tape to secure it, then got to work with duct tape.  This was the end result.

I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.  It was my first time to do this, and it was simpler than I thought it might be.  I took my time, worked carefully around the bust to retain the shape, and only accidentally stuck the duct tape to my skin once.  Now I just need to trim the neckline and bottom to the right shape, and then it's on to the next step!