Alright, so I've been battling the general tiredness that's been plaguing me by reminding myself that the convention is fast approaching (two more weeks!). I have this weekend for a major work period, and happily have a three day weekend next week, so I can get stuff wrapped up. The last few days of work haven't been overly exciting, but progress is progress.
First of all, I got more of the paper mache clay applied, and did some sanding. It dries so hard, it's a little tough to do, but I was able to knock off some of the roughness. My pieces feel more durable, and have a smoother form. After trying them on, I found they were still comfortably light.
The next thing I did was start working on bracers. I decided to test out a technique I found involving heating craft foam and forming it into shape. I took some heavier craft foam, cut it down into a rough shape, and super carefully heated it over one of my stove burners as I don't have a heat gun. Seeing as you don't want to heat it hotter than is safe to touch, I simple draped it over my arm and held it in place.
I'm still deciding how I feel about this technique and whether or not I'm going to stick with this. It's a little scary to do, to be honest with you, so this is a try at your own risk. While puzzling out what course of action I want to take, I moved onto the part I've been most excited to start.
Aesthetic work! I want to add some additional dimension and clean up some of the lines and shapes. Taking more craft foam, I've been cutting out pieces and gluing them on. Once they are in place, I'll prime and paint. Speaking of which...
I went to Home Depot fully prepared to drop about ten bucks just on one of those little tins of primer. As I was walking into the area, I noticed a cart with some paint cans in it. I almost walked right on by, until I saw the sign on it. "Oops Paint. Clearance." Hellooooo...
I peeked into the cart, fully expecting to see nothing but really horrible colors. To my surprise and joy, I saw a few smaller cans, one of which was in a fairly light color. Bingo. Perfect for my needs. And the cost? Two bucks?! Sold! I couldn't believe what a great deal I was getting. I definitely recommend watching out for this if you simply need a paint to act as a base coat.
Well, that's all the progress I've got for now. My plan is to get a good night's sleep, make a pot of coffee in the morning, and go full force. Hopefully I'll have quite a few awesome things to post by weekend's end. Later folks!
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