Saturday, August 22, 2015

Cosplay Creation! Demon Hunter Day 6 and 7

I'm combining day six with seven due to the fact that not much happened.  Pretty much I got home from work, then face planted for about four hours.  When I woke up, I finished applying paper mache to my boot covers, and that was it.

Once they dried, I popped them back on my boots, and tried them on.  Can't even tell they're there.  I'll just have to be careful when I add the details.  I plan on making them claw toed, so I'll need to make sure I have them raised enough to not clip the floor as I step.

Now for the next piece, things are getting really interesting.  Time to make the other shoulder!

Seeing as the aluminum foil worked amazingly for the shoes, I set about using it for this piece as well.  I kidnapped my husband and worked on his shoulder to get the base form.  I figured that since this piece is meant to be over sized anyways, the fact that his shoulders are much larger than mine would work to my advantage.  I was correct.  Once the foil was formed and duct taped, it was time to start adding interest.

Out came the foil once more.  I just sat and formed it bit by bit, held it up, worked it some more.  The square piece actually came off after I tried it on.  I like the way it looks, but it just wasn't melding with the rest.  That's why I'm always trying everything on periodically.  It would suck to find it wasn't working out after it was paper mache-ed into place.

Base underway, next it was time to create layering pieces.  Once again with foil and tape I created a medium sized one, and then a smaller one.

Paper mache application is still in progress, but just to give an idea of how it will come together I went ahead and stacked them.  This isn't the exact placement, but pretty close.  I can't wait to get to the point to get it completely assembled so I can try it on again.

I feel pretty good about today's work.  I think I should be able to apply paper clay tomorrow to smooth out the pieces I've made so far, then all that will be left for armor is leg and arm pieces.  I think the arm pieces will be quick and simple, but the legs I'm still working through logistics for.  After armor, it's sewing, and weapon.  Nineteen working days left, so I just need to maintain a steady pace!

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