Sunday, September 6, 2015

Cosplay Creation! Demon Hunter Day 17 and 18

The last couple of days have been very productive.  And there's still plenty of time to do more today.  But I figured since I've got things drying, I'd go ahead and post the progress I've made.

I decided I did like the new way I was making the bracers, so I proceeded to make the second one and embellish.  I went with two different designs just for interest.  I also punched some holes along the sides.  Eventually I think I'll add rivets, but for now they'll lace up just fine as they are.

The next thing that needed to be addressed was texture.  Because some of my pieces need to be able to bend, paper clay isn't going to be a good finish.  However, I still need irregularities in the surface to catch the antiquing finish and give it the right look.  So I grabbed some napkins, ripped them up, and started applying them to the surface.

The trick is to apply them in a way that they aren't just smoothed on.  I moistened the surface, placed the piece on top, then dotted on top, leaving little 'puffs'.  Then I continued dabbing at it until I had it as flattened as I could without losing the texture.

I did the same on the bracers with Mod-Podge instead of paper mache paste.  I think I might like this better as it kind of sealed it up as it dried.

Texturing dry, I primed, spray painted, primed again, colored, then antiqued.  I'm really pleased with the final look.  The anticipation of putting everything on is driving me to a frenzy to finish.

Needing a break from paint and paste, I decided to get constructing my corset pattern.  I wrapped up myself with cling wrap, grabbed my husband and got taped up.  I just did half of my body since both sides will be the same.  Careful not to cut my bra, we cut through the exposed cling wrap, and I drew some guidelines as to where to cut the pieces apart.  This will be tomorrow's big project as soon as I clean up where I've been paper mache-ing.

I also did some hood shape studying, and that's as simple as drawing out a shape on paper to use as a pattern.  I'm going to use a hood I already have as a guideline to make sure it's the right size.  Wish me luck for the last crunch!

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